I was interested to learn more about the world of design thinking and enrolled in an online course from IDEO U called From Insights to Action. The program focused on how to turn ideas into rapid prototypes that can be iterated and adjusted during the design process. For the assignment, I challenged myself to rethink the mass transit system in Shanghai and how to make commuting feel less commute-y. Below are my course notes and final pitch video.


Almost immediately I started applying rapid prototyping to my daily work. Here are a few of my prototypes used on different campaigns, promotions, and in-store mechanisms for LEGO China.


LEGO Technic

Prototype for a rotating model display to use in-store that used actual LEGO Technic bricks and gears.

lego gif.gif

LEGO Inspiration

To help give kids a spark of inspiration, I partnered with our illustrator to mock up a book with "the first brick" already built in for a starting place.